4 thoughts on “529 College Saving Plans – Part 2

  1. Thanks for all the info! One thing I do know is that I will not have enough money saved to cover all 3 of my kids’ college tuitions…

    Looking forward to reading any comments on how people used their 529 plans. I will need all the help I can get in a couple of years.

  2. @Kris
    Nor will I, and least not completely… I’m really hoping my daughter or son surprises me and gets a scholarships. If not that, I’m definitely going to apply for financial aid, it’s at least worth a shot. Some of the high end colleges have expanded their supported income ranges for middle class folk like me :).

  3. I’m single so I’m not even concerned about college savings plans yet. however, my gf and i are planning to get hitched sometime next year. How early is too early to start planning for 529 plan, you think?

  4. @MGL
    I wasn’t smart enough to start a 529 before my son was born, but my brother-in-law was! The earlier you start the less you have to contribute per month.

    I say, the earlier the better, if for some reason you can’t have children, you can withdrawal your contributions tax and penalty free (or at least I believe this is the case), so for the first year your earnings should be too significant. Unless you contribution over $4,000 during that time frame.

    So if it were me and I was in your scenario, I would get married, enjoy your time, and then once you were to think about having a child, wait until conception, then start saving…

    But there are many paths through the wood to get to the other side… 😉

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