All or Nothing Blogging

I’ve been sick for quite a while, but I would like to share a small discovery that I’ve made about blogging.

Blogging is an “All or Nothing” activity for me! I find that keeping a consistent blogging schedule is harder now that I’m “supposedly” only blogging twice a week versus when I would blog each and every day. This is kind of surprising for me, as I thought I would instead create more creative articles to post on this site, but instead I’ve found that other things has taking my time up instead.

Mixed Emotions

Mixed Emotions

Such distractions include the following:

  • Spending more time with my kids!  Of all the options, this has been the most rewarding distraction.  I consider this to be the one distraction that I would stop blogging for permanently.
  • Stock Market theories and experimentation has also grown to take some more of my blogging time.  I feel like I’m going thru a learning phase and if I concentrate hard and long enough, that I can beat the averages by a wide margin.  While this hasn’t happened in my regular brokerage account, I’ve has some decent success in my Roth IRA account (see Roth IRA 50 % Return).  Of all the options, I’m finding I’m concentrating the most in the investments area.
  • Fighting Vertigo.  While I don’t get dizzy like I did this past summer, I still have some effects left over from when I had Vertigo.  Once such effect is a pounding headache when I try to think too long.

The above are the main activities that have replace my blogging time and has made it harder from me to accomplish my blogging goals.

I think once I defeat (or learn to deal with the Vertigo), I’ll obviously use all of that time to plow back into blogging and other online activities.

5 thoughts on “All or Nothing Blogging

  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hopefully the dizziness will be all gone soon. I think you’re right about blogging. It’s hard to get back on track once you slack off. 🙂

  2. I find the same thing happens in other areas of my life. When I am consistently doing the activity, the effort required to sit down and do it is not much. However, when I get off my game, and other things take priority, I have to really try to muster the energy to do what once seemed so easy. I find that scheduling the activity into a defined time slot helps me accomplish it and have time for the other things too. Spending time with the kids should be the highest priority if at all possible.

  3. I often find myself in the same boat. I will fill my time with something so if it isn’t blogging, then it is something else. Of course, this past weekend was filled with college basketball.

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