Christmas Tradition #2, The Christmas Dinner

Christmas Tradition #2

Last year I mention my favorite Christmas Tradition, which is getting the Christmas Tree from a tree farm!

This year I’m going to mention my other Christmas Tradition, which is taking the family out to eat as a fancier restaurant.

That said, we have mostly gone to a “Fighter Group type” of restaurant!  If you’re not familiar with such a place, it’s basically an old fashion airforce restaurant that is close in proximity to a functional airport.

Fighter Group Restaurant

Fighter Group Restaurant

For me personally, I enjoy the simple, but tasty beer cheese soup!  And while the place has decent enough food, we are really going for the atmosphere of the restaurant!

The kids are constantly amazed seeing the huge jets taking off and come in for a landing from the restaurant building!

My wife (who initially wasn’t crazy about the place) now looks forwards to event!  I wish I could remember what she typically get, I think it’s come kind of chicken combo!

So What Makes It So Special?

First as you pull into the parking lot, you’ll see old army jeeps and trucks in the yard.  A few cannons and a bomb that didn’t detonate!

Next you’ll notice that the door is held shut by sandbags and pulleys.

As you enter the dinning area, you’ll notice the Bing Crosby or Frank Sinatra Christmas songs!

They also have a huge fireplace with a huge mantle…

It’s just a  fun type all the way aronnd!

23 thoughts on “Christmas Tradition #2, The Christmas Dinner

  1. I want to go to the Fighter Group restaurant. We have an air force base nearby, but I don’t think it is very ‘active’. It is rare that you see a plane come or go. Sounds fun to me!

    • The one we go to is besides a commerical airport, so there is a decent amount of flights, but not like the big city airports.

      The kids love it, they just LOVE IT!!! Often times, we have to yell at them to eat their food because their eyes are constantly out the window…

  2. My husband discovered a very similar place near our condo. We go there for breakfast every Saturday. I wasn’t very found of it in the begining, but it really grew on me. 🙂 You have to have places like a “Fighter Group type” in your life.

    • I agree! If we lived closer, I think we would even go there more often 🙂

      Little excursions like our Christmas dinner at the fighter group adds a little spice to the holiday season 🙂

  3. Many years ago, my friends had their wedding reception at such a place; it was a restaurant right off an airport runway that is decorated in old plane memorabilia. It was a really fun reception and the decor was quite unique.

  4. Sounds like a great holiday tradition. Regrettably, we don’t have an air force base nearby, since I’m sure our boys would love the atmosphere you describe. Our own holiday tradition for the last 10 yrs has been to visit the zoo on New Year’s day, whatever the weather’s like.

  5. I am in a family of people (women AND men) who love to cook, so our tradition is nine families gathering together with lots of homecooked foods.

    But…if I lived near an airport…

  6. Pingback: Losing Control of Christmas Traditions | Money Reasons

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