Cost Benefit Of Helping Skilled Friends In Need

It’s 11:38pm, I just got home about 15 minutes ago!  Where was I at you might be wondering?  I was down at my friend’s house fixing his computer.

My friend and his wife are good friends and they do a lot for our family!  We even went to Disney at the same time so we could hang with them for a few days!  While I would go down to help my friends no matter what, it’s nice that he has skills that are helpful to my family too!

You see he works as a doctor at a hospital, and we’ll call him asking what he thinks of certain symptoms our family may come down with.  Another advantage that he holds, is that when something is going around, he’ll tell us to look for it and the symptoms that go with it.  This way, when my son or daughter catches it at school, we don’t freak out.

While our friendship isn’t based on skills, it’s nice to have a friend with a different skill than I have.  My friend is also good with carpentry!  It’s a hobby for him, but when I have a house question… He’s the first or second guy that I call (my father-in-law is good carpenter too).

So when my friend called and said his computer was hosed and he was afraid he lost all of their recent family photos (including those from Disney), I hopped in the car and rode down to save the day!

Do you have a good network of friends that are both great friends and skilled in ways that complement your own skills?  It’s a nice perk if you do.  It’s even nicer if you can reciprocate the same back to your friends.


11 thoughts on “Cost Benefit Of Helping Skilled Friends In Need

  1. So did you save the day? Were the pictures rescued? If so, you need to be a Geek Squad consultant! (Come drive over here and fix my blue screen of death please.)

    My friends and I all help each other out. I usually provide financial advice, and they listen to me whine when I need to. 🙂

  2. I’m fortunate to know a lot of really smart, skilled people and you’re right, they have all managed to save me tons of money over the years with their free advice and services. Now, if only I can find a mechanic to be my friend…

    When I was younger I accused a friend of being a drama queen because, whenever anything went wrong, she would share it with EVERYONE, and I do mean EVERYONE. She explained that she wasn’t sharing for attention, but for help. It always worked for her because she usually got her problems solved for free (or at cost).

  3. @Everyday Tips
    My cape was flapping that night, so fortunately, I was able to saving the evening… The pictures are intact 🙂

    I usually get calls from my parents (they are a handful…), then friends, and then occasionally I’ll get someone from work that needs help.

    I use to like doing it, but it’s does kind of get old. My friend that called me last night hasn’t called me in years though, so I thought I’d go out of my way…

  4. @Jin6655321
    I’m missing a lawyer friend. I have most of the other bases covered (my brother-in-law is a mechanic).

    Sounds like a pretty smart girl! As the old saying goes… “The squeaky wheel gets oiled the most” 🙂

  5. My friends and I help each other with house projects and listen to each other when we need to vent…not a lot of skilled help goes around (although my husband does help with computer problems as they pop up since he has the most experience). Our families have helped with A/C problems, car issues, and such. We’d reciprocate if they ever need it but usually they only have easy comp questions – they seem to think this is a good deal, but I always feel like we get helped way more than we ever give it…

  6. @Suba @ Wealth Informatics
    A dad of a friend at work is a plumber. So when I had to fix a shower head, my buddy told me what to do! So I agree, work peers are great too!

  7. @Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
    I agree, although I have had to rebuild my parent’s and a few friend’s computers from the bottom up a few times. Let me tell you, that sucks!

  8. @Jackie
    It works out well, we’ll even take each other’s kids for a sleep over every now and then, just so the other couple can go out on real date!

  9. this is one of the greatest benefits of targeted networking . . not only within your professional field, but withing your personal circle. a solid network of doctors, dentists, lawyers, accountants, realtors, mechanics etc is not something everyone can say they have and benefit from. great post

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