Credit Card Reward Points Paid For My New TV

We’ve been using credit card reward  points to pay for electronics and appliances for the past few years!

The last purchase made with my credit card reward points was a new computer (6 core processor woot!).  But I’ve always wanted to pitch my old CRT 200+ pound TV!  It’s an eye sore, and very heavy to move around when cleaning behind it, not to mention it’s not HD.  But being the green person that I am, I kept it saying that I’ll replace it whenever it finally breaks and we need a new one.  A benefit of waiting meant that I’ve been able to save my credit card reward points too.  In fact, we were able to save $900 work of such points over the past few years!

So last week, our TV finally stopped working, and instead of being sad about spending the money to buy a new one, I was actually excited to go Best Buy to purchase a new one!  After a bit of debate with my wife about the size that we needed (my wife won by the way) I broke down and bought the 46 inch HDTV instead of the 50 inch (or over) size that I wanted.

I have to admit, even though I don’t watch TV much, it was good to finally have this purchase out-of-the-way because the old TV was an  embarrassment.  I mean, we have to be the last family on the block with such a relic…

So what did I get?

Samsung LED, 120 Hz, 1024p – 46″ model

Samsung TV


That’s the beauty of reward credit cards like the American Express Blue Cash Card, if you pay your balance in full each month, it can be like a forced spending budgeting plan!  For me I don’t like to spend money so this is one way that I feel like I’m not even paying for it!

Do you take advantage of your credit cards too?  For me, they make me both save and spend money (well points) at the same time!



9 thoughts on “Credit Card Reward Points Paid For My New TV

  1. Nice new tv!!! I cannot believe my husband talked me into a 47″ HD LCD flat-screen in 2007…when they were like $1450! But it is still going strong and we do watch a lot of tv. So I will admit it wasn’t the stupidest thing ever, hahaha. Congrats on getting yours with reward points too!

    • Thanks 🙂

      Believe it or not, but I have a hard time spending money! With the rewards points, instead of bank account money, it feels like it’s free lol.

      Sounds like a pretty sweet TV, I can’t believe how different mine is vs my old TV!

    • I have one that has that option too (Chase), but I find I just put the money in the bank instead of spending it. And since I have a hard time spending money anyway (I really buck the trend here), having it in gift cards forces me to spend.

      Any discount and reward for using a card is good though 🙂

  2. It’s just great that you get a new TV without paying any money! That’s an advantage of paying the credit card balance in time. People who use money prudently always get some advantages, if used with care than credit cards can even save money and that’s very good. I think that it can give consumers a right motivation. All the people like gifts and benefits, that’s why I think that such prizes like a new TV can be a good reason to choose a right credit card and pay off the balance in time.

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