End Of Grade School, Sad But Endearing Transition

Yesterday morning started out with me watching a play performed by kindergartners.  My daughter did a great job as I expected, no surprises.  All of the 4th graders watched the presentation.

What was surprising was the “send off” the school Principal and teachers did for the 4th graders.  My son’s Principal’s husband also coaches my daughter’s soccer team, so I know the Principal to a certain level beyond what I normally would know of a typical principal.   As she gave her speech about the 4th grade class and started crying (a little), I knew that it was legitimate and touching.

The send off, wasn’t anything like I ever remembered!  It included awards of some type for every child.  Not one of those kids came away from the “send off” not feeling special in some way or another.

A few of the female teachers were teary eyed.  The Principal sent one of the teachers away to get a box of tissues.  I was impressed, but also tired of tired of clapping.  There were a lot of awards.  I was kind of proud of myself because I clapped as enthusiastically for the first student honored as the last student.

The grand finale was a slide show presentation of the 4th graders throughout different stages of their life.  The pictures for the slide show was from when the 4th graders were kindergartners to current times.  I was impressed with the time and effort that was put into it.  The slideshow lasted at least half an hour.

I know this post wasn’t about personal finance, but it was still a very personal experience that was worth sharing!

I have to wonder if most school systems do something comparable!  If so, I’m impressed!

Thanks for hearing my story 🙂


4 thoughts on “End Of Grade School, Sad But Endearing Transition

  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful time, and there will be many more to come. I am impressed it was such a ‘personal’ ceremony for kids so young. It shows they really know the kids and that you are in the right place!

    Do the kids go on to a new school for 5th grade?

  2. @Everyday Tips
    Yep, for the 5th grade they go to an itermediate school. They stay at that school for 5th and 6th grades, then go to Junior high. This is a lot different than when I was a kid and we stayed in grade school until 6th grade.

    So far, school has been pretty good overall. It’ll be interesting to see how my daughter’s experience is.

  3. Our school system in Angleton when I was a kid was divided up 1-5, 6-8, and 9-12. They had this kind of ceremony every year from 6th to 12th. I moved before the end of 9th grade, but my mom still has all the awards from 6-8. I still remember it, so I’d say it’s a great idea!

  4. @Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
    Wow, ever year! That’s very impressive! Perhaps such an activity would prepare the students for future job performance reviews, and give them a sense of accomplishment for the year!

    Very nice!!!

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