Interesting Flight Experience On The Trip To Florida

On my flight to Florida, my seating arrangements was very interesting this item and I thought I’d share my experience.

First, let me explain my seating arrangement.  Since there are four of us, but only 3 connecting seats per side on the plane, I was the one that was voted off of the 3 connected seats side.  So I was the inner aisle seat on the other side, sometimes banishment hurt (lol).

So since the plane was full (unlike my trip to California where I didn’t have anyone beside me), both the seats beside me were filled by other passengers.

Passenger 1: Young  Boy

This kid was probably 8 or 9 and overall wasn’t too bad.  He did play his Nintendo DS without turning down the volume, but even then it wasn’t too loud.

The only problem that he did have was when he went to the bathroom, he came back with pee all over the front of his shorts.  I noticed but didn’t let him know that I did.  He did try to conceal it with the airplane tray but I didn’t even act like I noticed.  Luckily for him the other passenger (see below) was sleeping.

I felt bad for him, but luckily by the time the plane landed it was dry with faint staining, and not quite as noticeable.


Passenger 2:  Mr. “I love boobies”.

Yep, that’s what this 20-ish man had on his wrist as a rubber bracket.  Of course this guy had the window seat and even though a young boy would have appreciated looking out the window to see the view, this guy decided to put the blind down on his window and the one a bit in front of him, so the view wast completely black.  Next he blows up a little pillow and put it against the window and immediately falls asleep.

Later when it was time to leave the plane, I notice that he even took both of his shoes off during the flight.  Needless to say, I was glad I wasn’t the boy who was sitting between us, poor kid!

I don’t fly much, so little experiences like these are interesting and sometimes frustrating.



13 thoughts on “Interesting Flight Experience On The Trip To Florida

  1. In defense of Mr. I Love Boobies, those bracelets are linked to a charity that benefits breast cancer. Of course they were most popular with teens (and caused a few first amendment controversies in school) who just wanted a legit excuse to wear something with “boobies” on it.

    They were popular like a year ago and I don’t think too many kids where them now. And, I never really saw anyone out of high school really get into them. So, if he’s in his twenties and still wearing it, there’s a chance that it means something to him, like maybe someone in his family has breast cancer.

    • Maybe, but based on the way he was dressed, maybe not… Hard to say, but he sure acted like he thought he was cool.

      I especially like that he inconsiderately took off his shoes during the flight.

  2. I giggled at I Love Boobies…I must be tired.

    Poor kid, I remember most of the little embarrassing moments in my life, so thank you for acting like you didn’t notice. He would have been horrified, so that was nice.

  3. Flying is always an experience! You never know who wll sit next to you. I usually travel with my wife and occasionally (domestic flights), there is a passenger in that seat. Sometimes he/she is annoying, but in most cases nothing happens. What a pleasant surprise!

  4. Very true, you never know what you are going to get when flying.

    Any chance it was just water that splashed when the kid washed his hands? Lets hope it was!

    I saw an ‘I love the Ta Tas’ bracelet (or something like that) in South Carolina, and remembered there are all kinds of bracelets like that for breast cancer now.

    Have a fantastic trip MR, and enjoy your break!

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