Lemons to Lemonade – Mowing To Excercise and Save Money

I’ve been mowing lawns every since I was 7 or 8 years old.  Of course I got paid for it when I was younger, so while I didn’t enjoy it at least I got paid for the job.  It was a miserable experience for me since I have both grass and tree pollen allergies(we didn’t know that at the time though).

Flash Forward to Today:

I’ve had a series of immunization shots for my allergies, so my allergies has been taken care of, but now I don’t get any benefit from mowing the lawn… or do I?

Although I don’t get paid, I do derive benefit from mowing my lawn.  First, I have a push mower, so I get a small workout of sorts just by mowing my lawn myself.  While this is not enough in itself as an exercise program, it can be one piece in a weekly exercise routine.  I also save money by not having someone else mow my lawn.  Both of the previous points are obvious.

The not so obvious benefit is that I’m able to to have time to myself, no interrupts from kids, in fact, nobody bothering me with anything at all!  It’s my own “Temple of Solitude“, albeit a noise one.

Have you learned to take an activity that you hated when you were younger and convert it into something beneficial today?  The mind is a funny thing, and if we try hard enough we can effectively change the way we perceive our surroundings.


8 thoughts on “Lemons to Lemonade – Mowing To Excercise and Save Money

  1. yeah I hated mowing lawns when I was younger. and I still hate mowing lawns! thank goodness for small yards. although it may provide a little cardio workout, I would never consider it a workout or replace it with a workout. but I suppose it is better than nothing.

  2. yes, yes. And I even write about it! I used to DESPISE any type of cleaning. Now I look at it as a way to get my cardio work out & listen to music.
    (found you on the yakezie list)

  3. Although this wasn’t something I hated as a kid, the time I have come to love that I dreaded was waiting at soccer practice. Now, I plan ahead. I read, I make grocery lists, you name it. I just sit for 90 minutes and have my brain to myself.

  4. working in a supermarket and a chemical factory. The work was not the cleanest and is was HARD but in the retrospect, i am thankful that i did it because as i see it, i am wiser and more experienced in the ways of the world than those who were playing video games at home

  5. @Money Green Life
    You are correct, it’s not a intense workout… More along the lines of a walk for a couple of miles.

    @Barb Friedberg
    It’s still a bit of a chore for me, but at least I make the best of it 🙂

    @Everyday Tips and Thoughts
    I hear you on that one!!! I’ve used soccer practice as time to read too. Although it seems this spring that I always have to mow when soccer practice is happening.

    Yeah, I use to be a bagger at a grocery store. It was okay, but I could have had more fun… I worked with some interesting people. In the later phases of the job, I got my best friend in, and we did have a ball!

  6. Folding laundry (although I still hate ironing). And baking, I love it now!

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