Your Lifestyle and the Way you Live your Life is More Important Than Money

I’m guilty of neglecting my body, health and overall life for years.  Luckily, my physical state and mental awareness has now changed for the better.

New Total Lifestyle

I went from daily crunching and projecting financial scenarios, to just occasionally checking and readjusting my investment portfolio every so often.  I’ve evolved to this state because of a few tweaks to my lifestyle changes.

Tweaks to my Life, Lifestyle and Beliefs:

  1. I now realize that money doesn’t make me happy, but that money does provide additional options in life.  Unfortunately, living so frugally for so long has made my frugality mindset habitual in nature, and at first, very hard to change.  I’m still not a spendthrift, but I do spend more on things the bring my life value.
  2. Realizing that my body and mind are more connected than I realized.  Since I started working out, I now think and move better in mental and physical activities.
  3. By working out, I now have strength, and having physical strength gives me confidence.  By having confidence, I now approach things differently than when I was out of shape.  So the saying “Fortune Favors the Bold” is correct, but to be bold (or brave), it helps to be strong both mentally and physically… and that’s where I believe I am now.
  4. Since I’m bolder, I have no problem talking to people who I use to perceive as being special or unapproachable.  If you are the most beautiful person on earth or a CEO, to me, you are just another guy/gal and I will treat you as such. Without hesitation or acknowledgement that you are different because to me you are not.  It’s kind of funny, but I didn’t even realize that I was “that guy” who gave such “shining” people extra status…  oh well, lesson learned.
  5. I realize that my happiness scope of control is more important than I originally believed.  This is a “leading the horse to water, but you can’t make him drink” kind of thought.  I can provide those I care about with tools and advice, but if they don’t listen to what I perceive or fail to believe me, then it’s not my fault when they lose or miss opportunities that I predict or take time to explain..
  6. Just because the media and popular opinion on something says it’s one way… do you own research and come to your own conclusions base on your experience, knowledge and your own experimentation.

Bicep – Improvement

So what have I changed?

  1. I joined two gyms and go to them at least four days a week, for 2 1/2 to 3 hours per workout day.  This is not frugal, since I have the basic equipment I need at home to workout, but there are side perks of the gyms that make it worthwhile to me.
  2. I talk to more people without preconceptions on who or what they are based on their age or status in life.  This have made me a more rounded person with more social options.
  3. I don’t worry about money as much, and while still having an investment strategy… I don’t feel the need to constantly worry about it.  I still manage it, but not daily or even weekly.
  4. I realize that things that make me happy are important too.  I’m here to help others out, but I need to help myself first!

So while I’m a work in progress, I’m very happy about where I am today versus where I was for the past five or so years!  Today, I’m a better version of myself…

Wishing and hoping everyone that reads this, the best!
