Problems With Late Night Blogging

Here I sit, the red glowing numbers in my clock on the night stand in the guest bedroom/office beams 12:11am.

You could be thinking “ahhh, he must not get up early for work“, but if you did, you would be incorrect.  I get up at 6:00am.

You could be thinking “he must be one of the lucky ones that doesn’t need much sleep, since he’ll only have 5 hours of sleep” (I only had 3 hours yesterday), but again you would be incorrect!  I feel it the next day as I fight to stay awake in cubiclelville.

You are probably now wondering, “Why does this fool blog so late at night?”.  Well, it’s partially it’s the only time when it’s completely quiet (kids, wife & dog are all asleep), but mainly because this is the time that I like to do work.  I was the same way in college too.

Do I think it’s healthy?  No, in fact in my case, it’s very unhealthy!  Often times, I walk around looking like a zombie.

Do I think I create better work at night?  No, I actually believe that I’m so tired that the thoughts are not as coherent as they could be if I were writing a bit earlier before I start to fight weariness. 

How long have I been blogging this way?  At least 4 months!

Sometimes, it helps to work through your flaws, like I just have as I’ve been typing.  I know it’s silly of me to try and type so late at night!  Next I need to create an action item to address/remedy this problem!

Originally, I was going to vow to start blogging at 10:00pm, but instead I think I will start to blog more during lunch time when I am at the library for lunch.  Of course, I will use the 10:00pm option for emergencies!

Thanks for reading as I work through this small issue! 🙂

If you blog, what is you best time for blogging?  If you don’t blog, do you find that the late hours of the night are your most creative?


17 thoughts on “Problems With Late Night Blogging

  1. I love blogging when the house is so silent. Your brain allowed to think without interruptions. It’s when the best work comes forth.

    Don’t forget to pack that lunch tonight for work tomorrow.;)

  2. @Money Funk
    Ah yes, my lunch is going to be a turkey baloney sandwich (nice and quick!)

    The more I think about it, I think I will start blogging at 10:00pm, then schedule the next post to release at midnight…

    Thanks for stopping by, and kudos to you for doing your new challenge!

  3. I need a full 8-hours of sleep to function well. So, I’ll never be caught in the wee hours of the night doing anything!

    As for blogging, I get up 30 minutes earlier (or at least 15) and blog in the mornings when my husband is still sleeping. Then, when I get home from work, I blog about another 30 minutes or so. It seems to work out better when I break it into two parts!

  4. I think I am the most creative at night but at the same time I’m too tired to use that creativity. So I’ve just been starting to wake up earlier and have a cup of coffee, and I seem to be creative for my blogging then as well.

  5. @Little House
    Ah, nice contribution! I think I will follow a similar technique. I’ll start blogging at lunch, and then I’ll use the 10:00pm hour to do any finishing up touches!!!

    Big Thanks 🙂

  6. @Kevin
    In the past I’ve tried that, but it just didn’t work out well for me.

    If I were to have a cup of coffee, that might get the juices flowing though. Someday (if my work schedule stabilizes), I’ll have to try that!

  7. I also find the quiet hours the best times to be productive, when the TV is turned off and noise is minimal,… but I do need and enjoy my 8 hours of sleep! Sigh… this is the dilemma.

  8. Its funny. I used to be able to write computer programs while sitting in front of the tv or talking to my kids, but I cannot blog while interacting.

    What I do quite often is walk on the treadmill and kinda think a bit. I have a notepad with me for when thoughts pop into my head. Exercise is a great time for me to get my thoughts together. I quite often write after I exercise and shower.

    I would die if I wrote late at night. My brain just can’t collect the thoughts as well.

  9. @Kevin at InvestItWisely
    Today, I ended up creating my next post at lunch. It went surprisingly well! Looks like I found the solution to my problems (at least when I’m at work) 🙂

  10. @Everyday Tips
    During College I use to connect remotely to the computer lab at night all the time, often time writing programs til 2 or 3 in the morning.

    I was best at night because it was so quiet and nobody was around to her me talking to myself, as I would talk thru the code.

    I now need a notepad too, because there has been a few times when I remember getting excited about an idea that would pop in my head, but forgetting about it when it was time to write it… Opps…

  11. Okay, apparently I’m an addict…oh well. This is my Mon-Fri breakdown:

    I wake up at 6:40am and get ready for work. I then check my blog email from 7:20am-7:30am before heading out.

    Then I read other blogs (10-20 a day) and write my own posts whenever I have time at work (I’ve been at it for 4 hours today since I got everything done already).

    Then I get home, play with the dogs a little, say hi to hubby if he’s home and usually sit down with him in front of the tv. I then catch up with my blog email from 6-7pm and putter around my blog and other blogs for a few more hours until I go to bed at 11pm-Midnight…I sometimes write posts and submit to carnivals during those hours.

    In short, I am usually doing something blog related for at least 6 hours a day – sometimes 8-11 if you count all the times I’m multi-tasking – during the week.

    Yep, total addict. For what it’s worth, I don’t do nearly as much blog stuff on weekends…max 4-5 hours a day (except last weekend…8 1/2 hours of cutting and pasting comments that didn’t survive the migration…and I only made it back to late April). 🙂

  12. @Budgeting in the Fun Stuff
    Wow, that’s pretty impressive. I use to do my visiting and commenting on other blogs during lunch, but now since posting worked out so well, I’ll probably do that instead.

    I do small checks throughout the day after I get home from work (just like I’m doing now :))

    Sorry to hear your migration didn’t go as smoothly as planned! At least your new site look great!!!

  13. Um… I am right there with you, Budgeting in the Fun Stuff. 😉 There is always something to do!

    MR, thanks. I look forward to reviewing each section of the 21 Day makeover.

  14. Don-san, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I write a lot btween 5:30am-7:30am. I am tired when I get home, and would rather just comment and read other posts.

    The weekends I go on overdrive and often write 2 posts early in the morning both days. I try and put a 2 hr time limit during the weekdays, and a 3 hr time limit a day during the weekends.

    It’s important to set limits, which is why i don’t have a personal PDA/iphone and do anything online from 7:30am-6:30pm.

  15. @Financial Samurai
    Ah, that schedule makes sense! I think a more formalized schedule would help me be more efficient. I seem to be too random…

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. @Bucksome Boomer
    I’m really going to have to try blogging in the morning some day! It sounds the camp is half and half so far.

    Weekends are my worst days, I don’t do anything Saturday (usually I start working on Sundays post, Sunday at 1:00am). Friday is a rough day too for me.

    Since I posted this post, I have since started blogging during Lunch at work. So far, that’s working out fairly well for me…

    Thanks for sharing!

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