Protecting Your Home: A Guide For The Over 50s

Although it’s important for everyone to protect their home and belongings, it can seem even more vital to safeguard your homestead in later years once you have built up a collection of memories and possessions around you.

With this in mind, it’s imperative that you match your home insurance to your own personal situation in order to make sure your house and its contents are adequately protected, and of course, that you are getting the best deal for you. Many insurers recognise that the over 50s are a lower insurance risk and thus pride in your home is rewarded at this time with access to lower level rates for home insurance. Accidents do happen, but without the pitter-patter of tiny feet around the house, or even the somewhat louder footsteps of teenagers, they do have a tendency to happen less frequently.

By seeking insurance from specialists such as Castle Cover, you can find policies which take account of the time and effort you have put into getting your home and garden just the way you want it. Access to higher level contents insurance also acknowledges the hard work over the years, which has helped you buy the items that are part of your everyday life, as well as your more expensive treasured valuables.

If you have amassed a collection of special goods such as antiques or heirlooms – don’t forget to check these are sufficiently covered by your home insurance too. You may find such items need to be named specifically on your policy, or that your insurer requires them to be valued as part of your agreement – so make sure you talk through what cover can be provided by any potential insurers.

Castle Covers building and contents insurance shouldn’t just be about protecting your home either; consider incorporating cover for your garden or outbuildings too. Often these are the areas where people can spend their valuable relaxation time, or store costly equipment which they need for leisure activities or hobbies, so they should be a priority for safeguarding just as much as your home.

Finally, don’t be bamboozled by jargon. All insurance policies have their exclusions so it’s vital to ascertain just what you are covered for. Although you can receive significant discounts for buying your policy online this should not prevent you from speaking to an adviser first to clear up any questions. The knowledge that your home is protected to the standard you require, should after all, be paramount.

Today’s guest article was provided by Emir who represents Castle Cover, Thanks Emir!



4 thoughts on “Protecting Your Home: A Guide For The Over 50s

  1. I would like to recommend taking proactive measure now. Make online backups of your pictures and consider using a safety deposit box for your jewelry. There are a few online services that are free for a limited number of bytes.

  2. You should definitely buy an insurance policy that matches what you have in your home. It will lead to the best coverage in case of the unexpected.

  3. I find that these tasks are something you have to do a little at a time and one closet at a time. It’s just too overwhelming if you try to do it all at once especially if you’ve been living in the same place for decades.

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