Purging Items That Appear To Have Value But Don’t

My basement is full of Items That Appear To Have Value But Don’t!

I have over 15 computers in my house, but only 4 are currently being used.  While I don’t have any computer that doesn’t have at least a 32 bit CPU inside, some of them are still just too slow and obsolete to ever be useful again.

Having such computers sitting in your house taking up precious space is just a waste of floor space.  I know that I will never use those computers again, and yet I still have many of them sitting down in my basement.  My logic is that I might use them for router or perhaps install some variant of a Linux operating system on some of them…, but I won’t

Why do we hold onto old things that once had value but really doesn’t anymore?  Perhaps there is a bit of a nostalgic feeling with the item?  Or maybe we feel like we’ll give the obsolete item to our children, or other family members, or even friends.  Knowing that it held great value to us during a time period and we would like it to mean something to someone else too.

But unfortunately most of the time it’s really just junk, especially technology.  If you are holding onto a “Palm Pilot” thinking that your kids could use it, don’t!  First, it now looks horrible and is terribly underpowered.  Your child’s peers will laugh at them if they were to use it, don’t put your kids through that type of embarrassment!

With other junk, you just throw it in the garbage can and it’s taken away.  With computer this isn’t a good move!  There are toxic pieces in the computer that should be taken to a recycling plant so they can either recycling the toxic pieces or properly dispose of the toxic parts.

Another thing that people tend to hang onto is old outdated clothes.  Even if you could fit in them, they are so out of fashion that you would look odd trying to wear them again, at least in public.  If your clothes are older than 5 years old, and you haven’t worn them in the past five years, send them to goodwill, put them in a garage sale, or pitch them!  You know that you will never wear them again, so don’t kid yourself!

Free yourself of unnecessary clutter and experience more room!

Have a good weekend,



13 thoughts on “Purging Items That Appear To Have Value But Don’t

  1. Funny you should mention Palm Pilot – just last week I parted with my decade old Palm Pilot! Even the company doesn’t exist anymore, had to say farewell!

    Now onto my PC from Dell that I bought in 2000!

    Thanks for the reminder!

    • Ironically, I think our family PC is from around that time period (it’s a 1.6 Gigahetz CPU).

      Now you know that my other older PCs are really old!

  2. The weakness in our house is books and clothes, but I have a friend who lives in a tiny studio apartment but has a veritable collection of old Palm Pilots and cell phones!

  3. It is truly amazing how much junk you can collect in just a few years. I love de-cluttering my place because I feel so much more organized – not to mention I gain an incredible sense of accomplishment. I don’t throw much of anything away though – I recycle, donate or sell almost everything. Even outdated, outrageous clothing can be a treasure to some. I used the earnings from a garage sale to pay off a credit card, and opened up some square footage in my basement at the same time. Maybe it’s time to do that again. Good post!

  4. Oh, I have several laptops and computers around the house. It is just impossible to throw them away since the county toxic collection days always seem to happen when I am gone. I was able to get rid of a ton of paint a few years ago, but really should figure out what to do with these electronic gadgets.

    • Where I work they have a recycling center about 1.5 miles away. when I was taking my son’s cans up to be recycled, I noticed that they said they take old computers too! Bonus for me!!!

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