Reasons To Spend Money – I Don't Want A Coffin Full Of Dollars

The Reasons to Spend Money are numerous, but one big reason is because when I die, I don’t want a coffin full of dollars! 


Now, I’m not saying to take a casual stroll to the bank and pull out all of your money, saying “Vegas, here I come“, either though!  Oh, by the way, the saying “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” really means that the money you take and gamble with in Vegas, stays in Vegas 🙂

Without further ado…

The Reasons To Spend Money :

  1. To live a balanced life, effectively avoiding the dreaded “coffin full of dollars” that are now worth nothing to you!  Once you’re dead, that money is just pretty artwork on a piece of paper that you will never see or touch again.
  2. So you don’t miss out on life!  Saving money like a miser is actually very expensive with respect to time.  The time you waste hording and saving is precious time that could be spent in other ways, like with family and friends.
  3. To visit other places and cultures!  If I had the money, I’d try to take a few trips overseas just to experience the sights and different cultures over there.
  4. Spoiling your kids (a little).  Why not, if you have the money, $100 is like a fortune to a 7 year-old!!!  Don’t go overboard, but perhaps buy something nice for special occasions and holidays!
  5. On high personal value items.  High value items are things that you receive much joy or happiness through.  For example, you might value redline hot wheel cars that you had as a child.  Nostalgic memories have very high value, so why not buy that $50 to $100 dollar car off of eBay?  After all every time you look or touch it, it will remind you off a different time that is long gone except in your memories!
  6. Safety!  Use the money that you have squirreled away to move to a safer area for your kids to grow up in!  And you too for that matter!!!  Or perhaps a safer car to drive the kids around in.
  7. Special local experiences!  Go to an occasional professional football game, even if it is expensive!  Nothing is cooler than hanging with friends eating hotdogs and drinking expensive domestic beers while watching the game from the stands.  Go to the orchestra too!
  8. To treat your girlfriend or wife to a surprise romantic dinner!  I’ve only done this once, but it was great!

Well, this list isn’t complete, but it’s late!  If you have any suggestions, please do tell!


16 thoughts on “Reasons To Spend Money – I Don't Want A Coffin Full Of Dollars

    • I thought about using the words “gather ye rosebuds why ye may”, but thought the coffin was a big stronger…

      It’s really about balance, I definitely don’t want to be a miser!

  1. I too love the coffin full of dollars description.

    I will spend on books. I love books. I usually go to the library, but I am not willing to wait 6 months to read something I have been waiting for.

    I completely agree with the examples you gave. I have had some really special times with people at Tiger games, museums, vacation, you name it. I spend on experiences, not things (except books), and it is so worth it.

    • My only regret in spending money on vacations (which I love) is that there isn’t a way to capture it better! Wouldn’t it be cool if there was more than just a picture in an album somewhere…

      I need to get one of those electronic frames where the pictures change automatically ever not and then. That would help.

      Have a great weekend!

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  4. memories are what vacations sell. it is the experience and memories you capture in your mind that make it worth it, and of course the people you spend it with. true, vacations / traveling is expensive, but if it is on your priority list then i am sure you are compensating by cutting down on other indulgences (i.e. latest gadgets). to me, using my money to live the life i want is what i and my blog are all about.

  5. I agree with this. He who dies with the most money LOSES!

    Gotta live it up baby! Especially now that the good times are back. At a bone-in filet mignon last night… yup! The good thing is, someone else paid.

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  8. “Coffin full of dollars” That’s hilarious! Never heard that one before 🙂 And that’s a great reason to keep spending. Thanks for sharing!

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  11. It’s funny, I recently spent around $500 on several childhood action figures and several retro Air Jordans I couldn’t afford as a kid. Love em!

    • That’s awesome! Especially in your case, since I know that you can definitely afford them now!

      I remember wanting Air Jordans too, and other things that we couldn’t afford.

      My son wants an ipod touch, I decided I’m going to get it for him for a birthday present. He’ll have good memories with it I hope!

  12. Great post! I actually save a lot of what I earn, but I am not going to be frugal for my so long waited vacation!
    Coffin full of dollars might be a dreaded phrase, but also don’t forget that saving money also saves you from working while you are still young!

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