Sun Life Financial of Canada

Sun Life Financial of Canada

They say that when it comes to money, people get particularly anxious and the simple thought of losing their savings and/or earnings is enough to let fear take over.

But why do we allow fear to keep us from seizing opportunities?

Well, in the first place, finance is no child’s play. Being a very complex, risky and dynamic field, it needs to be studied, analyzed and understood, before one can use it to their advantage.

However, not everyone can dedicate their life to understanding finance, which is why there are a number of reliable and trust-worthy financial services companies out there that can take good care of your interests by opting for safe, yet lucrative solutions.

Sun Life Financial of Canada is one of these financial security providers.

With its worldwide presence in 24 countries, its mission is to guide and assist its customers, catering to their financial and personal needs.

In fact, Sun Life Financial of Canada offers a wide range of products and services, including flexible retirement solutions (pensions), protection plans and investment consultancy.

However, the company has recently switched its focus from investors to rather calm savers, helping them achieve tranquility and peace of mind, by offering them specific products, depending on their age, expectations, plans and personal needs.

Over the last decade, international markets have experienced a strong volatility due to a number of unexpected changes the global economy has gone through. That explains the lack of balance between growth and recession which influences both share and bond values, as well as customers’ confidence in financial markets.

So, considering the present circumstances, what can Sun Life Financial of Canada do for savers?

From a psychological point of view, it guarantees stability, security, flexibility, safety and peace of mind. For you to be in total control of your savings and earnings, you will get to choose the funds you want to invest your money in whilst being assisted by an experienced adviser.

For instance, should you want to make the most out of the pension pot you have built throughout the years, the company suggests you opt for i2Live, an innovative pension plan that enables retired people to freely withdraw the amount they need whenever they like, while an insurance company would only provide them with a fixed income that can not be renegotiated.

Needless to say that being i2Live solutions invested in funds, they might go up and down, but there is nothing to worry about since Sun Life will make sure that your income does not drop below a certain amount that you will discuss with your personal adviser.

Returning to protection and stability, the company offers another innovative product called Financial Foundations, which allows its holders to be covered in case of disability and critical illness. Moreover, it provides income and elderly care cover, as well as great flexibility.

And, if you live in the UK, you will be glad to know that Sun Life launched its UK brand in March 2010, after having acquired Lincoln National Corporation.

For any other information, go to Sun Life Financial of Canada and find out more about Sun Life and its products.

As normal readers might have surmised, today article was a guest post provided by Vera Grigorova.  Thanks for the information Vera!

2 thoughts on “Sun Life Financial of Canada

  1. Great. well there is a wide range of products available from sun life and it has its network in many countries across the world.

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Sun Life Financial of Canada in UK Review | Money Reasons --

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