I Moved, My Website is Now at BlueHost

After a few small outages with my last site host over the month of September, I decided to go with “Bluehost

Now some of you might be asking, why Bluehost… isn’t it one of the more expensive host out there?

Yes, It’s true, it is a few more dollars a month, but I’ve been doing some speed testing of different sites using free online site checkers and my test results has shown that the other sites that I know of, while receiving very respectable performance times, weren’t quite as fast as bluehost..

Here is the real kicker…  I view the slightly higher cost as an advantage!

Why?  Well, I think that since BlueHost is more expensive, fewer people will be buying new accounts in the short-term (at least until BlueHost reduces their rates again). 

Sorry for this lame post.  Tomorrow, I’ll be back to a more normal routine (I hope) and write a longer post.