Happy New Year 2011

Happy New Year!!!

As some of you may  know, I was not particularly fond of 2010.

It wasn’t a horrible year (after all, I did pay off my home mortgage), but I wasn’t particularly fond of it either!  That’s why I decided that I’m going to change everything this year, and who better to demonstrate change?  Why carrot top or course, he has changed more than I could dream of!

The Orange Hulk

The Orange Hulk – Carrot Top!

I would have never guessed that “Carrot Top” would be more buff that I am, but surprise!  And it looks like he is enjoying it to boot!  Some may say that he looks scary, but I think he looks content and that he’s doing something that he enjoys!

Are you going to do something entirely different for 2011?  If so, I’d love to hear about it and what motivated you to do so !

Have a Great New Year in 2011!