Knowing When To Try Something New

Life is too short to life in a stalled state.

These past few month, I’m really starting to examine everything that I do and all the plans that I currently have.  I’m finding that I’m unnaturally holding some things that shouldn’t be.  This doesn’t bode well for me or those involved and makes for an artificial environment that should not be.

So this got me thinking, how does one know when it’s time to try something new or different?  After all, trying something new is risky and you can gain the world or lose it all, or stay stagnant in the muck?  So here is what has been spinning in my head lately:

  1. Do you like where you live?  Is this where you want to retire to some day?  When you are older, you might not have the chance to move…
  2. Do you wake up excited to live life or are you just waiting for the day to end so you can start another day that you hate tomorrow?
  3. Have weekends become less enjoyable than the middle of the week?
  4. Is time at work now more enjoyable than other times?
  5. Do you look from the outside and think that you are lucky to be you, or can it be better?
  6. Are you doing activities that make you happy?
  7. Are you waiting for something magically to happy or people to become something that they are not and will never become?
  8. Are you putting all your eggs in the idea of retirement nirvana in the future, thinking somehow it will magically be better too?

If you paint your current picture based on those questions above, perhaps the picture looks a lot different from you thought it looked like?  Perhaps it’s time to get a new canvas?

Just thinking out lout today…