Stop Living For the Weekend and Just Start Living

All too often we hear people saying that they “Live for the Weekend”! 

To be honest, I use to be of that same mindset too, I also saved myself for the weekend and during the week I would work, watch TV, then go to bed everyday… until the precious weekend.  But then the weekend would come and it might be cold, or raining, or some other event might be happening that would prevent me from enjoying my weekend.

So what do I do know?

I try to do something everyday, whether it’s coaching my daughter’s soccer team, doing yard work, walking the dog, working on my blog, reading a book etc…  And I plan on starting to workout, swim with the kids, bike ride with the kids, loss weight and meet with friends more often.  Summer is a great time to be more active!

“Live For the Weekend” is something that sounds good because most of the activities that are going on happens on Saturday, and we have the entire day to do things but…

  • going to dinner during the week is less crowded and you can get seated more quickly
  • while at dining out, the food may be prepared better because the cook isn’t rushed.
  • Other activities may be similar to dining out, fewer lines, less waits, and a better experience.
  • The roads will be less crowded, especially after rush hour during the weekdays.
  • If you look, sometimes you can find discounted prices during the weekdays.
  • Less chance of getting a sunburn while outside since most of us get off work after 5:00pm.


While you don’t exactly have to “Seize the Day”, you don’t have to wait for the weekend either.  Waiting to live life just on the weekend wastes too much life.

Personally, I would like to make or change something everyday, even if it’s just cutting the grass…

What activities or ways do you maximize you weekdays?
