Realizing the Difference Between Wanting and Doing

Last year (2011), I spend a lot of soul-searching and came to a few solid conclusions that I thought were interesting and helpful.  So I thought I’d share my thinking on realizing the difference between wanting and doing.

1.) Doing is much Better than Wanting!

I’m kind of a paradox, in that I have abilities and gifts but in the past, I chose not to make use of them (or at least that’s the way I use to be).  Warning, some lame excuse are following:  Perhaps it’s because of the way I was raised?  Perhaps because it was because my grandfather use to keep score of what he considered good behavior and would give me some money ever now and then when I did something that he considered good?  Perhaps it’s the TV and movie writer’s that influenced that way I thought, leading me to believe that some magic moment would happen and someday, something wonderful would happen and I’d be both happy and wealthy?

Whatever the reason, it’s different now!  Now I understand that doing unproductive activities  and wasting time watching TV will never make you happy or wealthy.  When you are 60, 80 or 90 years old, (hopefully) you are not going to be talking about that one show where “Snookie” and “the Situation” did blah blah blah.  So why waste your life watching it now, when you could be encountering and creating your own experiences and improving your life, or at least learning something new and exciting in the process?

2.) Change takes Time, but not that much Time!

People always say it takes time and to be patient.  And this may be true, at least in some scenarios…  But without actively doing the thing you want to accomplish or working consistently at it, it will either  a:) take a loooooong time!  or b.) never happen.

Many things in life are similar to blowing up a large balloon.  If you stop blowing into it, it will start to lose air, causing you to either start all, over once all the air is out of it or to just discard it because it takes too long to blow up again.  Of course you could start all over again blowing up the balloon each time, but it will cost you precious time.

Prince Living as a Frog

Are you a Prince living a frog's life?


So just because I want to be happy and rich, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen if I travel the normal well-worn path that most of us think is the way to go about it.  These days, it seems that following the norms of society or doing the “same old – same old” is the road to mediocrity.  Watching TV we learn to live life by watching an artificially created template that is portrayed on TV.   It’s kind of funny actually, we watch TV and since we learn from all sources of stimuli, we take it in as lessons and truths that might not necessarily be true.  Most of the time that climax or magical moment happens and the story changes for the better and the protagonist wins at the end.  Unfortunately, life doesn’t happen this way and precious time is wasted waiting for magic instead of creating it ourselves.

Wanting is good, but Wanting with creative action taken is much, much better!

I’m starting to explore new paths and routes in my life that I will be communicating more about on this blog from here on out!  Hopefully, if I do as I preach, this should be an exciting year.

Thanks for stopping by, and here’s to the future!