Myrtle Beach Is Not For Families?

Friends invited us to go on vacation with them to Myrtle Beach, this is was big mistake so far!

We arrived Saturday night and instantly I regret it.  Perhaps it’s was when we were driving, looking for our hotel and the teenage kids in the car behind us yelled idiot as we turned into the parking lot, or perhaps it’s when the teenagers (different group) at the pool was trying to hook up with the girls in hot tub.  Or perhaps it’s the pointy screws in the chairs that poke us in the legs that we sit (or sat in once) on them.

Needless to say, we aren’t planning on packing any of our cloths back in our suitcases because we’re terrified of bedbugs or other horrible things.

I don’t see it really getting better, I would love to leave for home tonight. I have to admit, I’m afraid to leave the room because I’m afraid that someone will break in and take our laptops.

Perhaps I’m spoiled because of our years of going to Hilton Head Island, and the great times that I had there in the past.  The time spend with family and friends was always great at Hilton Head Island, all the teenagers are usually with parents and everybody is just having a relaxed, family-enjoying time.

What’s that loud sound I hear outside?  Oh, it’s a group of motorcyclist revving their engines just to be loud.  Great!  While I like motorcycles, I don’t like them because they are loud…

If I were single and in my 20s, I might enjoy this place a little more, but since I’m married with kids, this place isn’t fun at all.  Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot of attractions instead of enjoying the hotel and beach…

So if you are a single your person, Myrtle may be enjoyable for you, but if you are a classic atomic family like mine, this might not be the best place for you family…

Now that we’re here and the hotel is paid for, we’ll make the best of it.  Hopefully, I’m wrong and we’ll have a great time.
