Starting A New Lifestyle By Taking a Month To Prepare

In the past I use to make resolutions, then after the first week when I didn’t hop into those new resolutions instantly, I would give up on them thinking that I already violated those goals so why even try.  Obviously, this wasn’t the best way to accomplish such goals.

white egg

This year, I’ve learned my lesson!  From this point on, January of each new year will be my transition month into the new year.  So instead of jumping into a new lifestyle head first, I’m going to the shallow end of the pool and easing myself into my new mindset and lifestyle.  No more “cold turkey” dumping the old and jumping to the new for me.

Some of you can jump right in with the new year.  You planned your strategy in December and jump in head first on day 1 of January.  If that works for you, then great!  I just find that December is too busy for me to adequately plan my strategy.

So you might be wondering how I’m going to start my preparation for my lifestyle change…  Well tonight I’m going to hard boil eggs!  Not very exciting huh…  Then the next day I’m going to eat two eggs for breakfast as part of my weight loss program.  After eating my eggs in the morning, I’m going to start developing the dietary path for my weight loss portion of my New Year resolutions, and let the strategies for those resolutions develop from that point.

Oftentimes, the hardest part of change is the first step, so for me the first step is boiling eggs.  Not sexy, but a start!

So I start my lifestyle change be using a simple task to ignite the process.  I would like to say that this is the first time I’ve used such techniques, but it’s not.  I use similar tasks and tricks to help me write the assembler and operating system software back during my college days.  So in a way, instead of waiting for perfect inspiration or betting everything on day 1 of the New Year, instead I’m going to trick myself and do whatever it takes to change my lifestyle.

And now I’m off to boil eggs…