Using Wasted Time To Your Advantage

Lately, I’ve learned to take greater advantage of dead or wasted time periods!

Such “time periods” are when you are driving to work, waiting in a fast food line (or really any line), walking out to your car, waiting for the kid’s current sport practices to finish, waiting in the doctor’s office, and so on…

For most of these tasks, I try to find a book to read that isn’t to the point where I would have to take notes or need to think really deeply (so most of the books out there…).  I’m sure I look a bit odd reading my “book of the moment” as I walk through the halls on the way to my car to leave.  Or when I’m in the elevator reading a few sentences or two.  But it’s really a great way to go, walking/waiting/driving time would be wasted time for me.  Of course while walking and reading, I have excellent vision and know the terrain very well!!!  If I didn’t know where I was walking (or if I were going up or down stairs) I definitely wouldn’t be reading and walking at the same time.

For those times when I’m driving, listening to audiobooks is my favorite way to make use of that time!  It use to be listening to music, but with audio-books I learn stuff, which is great!  In fact, there is nothing better than listening to an exciting story while driving on a trip for vacation!  It helps keep me up while driving through the night!

Lately, I’ve been trying to think of blog topics while driving.  Surprisingly, it’s not as easy as it sounds, at least not for me.  Either it’s in the morning when I’m still groggy or traffic is too busy, so I’m constantly keeping my focus on my surroundings.  Definitely not the easiest was to concentrate.  But still, I get general ideas, and write them on the back of an junk mail envelope.

Do you know of any additional ways to use wasted time periods more efficiently?
