Are Kids Being Raised The Best They Possibly Could Be?

I’m starting to doubt that my kids are being raised correctly. 

I starting to believe that my kids (really all of our kids) are not being raised the most optimally as possible!

Why do I use the word optimally?  Because our kids are raise much better than some countries and overall, they have a very easy life.  But in a world where kids watch that very influential educator Mr. TV, are they really learning developing a sense of what is important in life?

Are we molding our children’s mind based on the teaching of the very influential Sponge Bob?  Are they learning to be goofy goobers?

What if we readers, were also raised as goofy goobers, but in a different generation?  Now we have a society of older goofy goobers teaching kids to be new goofy goobers, by letting them watch mind numbing shows similar to what we watched as kids…  No wander immigrants are more inclined to become entreupenuers that the local born population.

But even more importantly than restricting the amount of TV they watch, are we teaching them on how to be responsible and helping them to develop skills?  Currently, my kids don’t do any chores at all.  I’m starting to think this may be spoiling them.  Perhaps they believe that things should just magically happen for them?  I think that if all they experience growing up is good times, then when they are an adult, life may be difficult for them.  Any mild downturn, may confuse and frustrate them.  Will adult life be disappointing and unfulfilling for them?  Perhaps a little pain growing up make the pain later in life more manageable?

While nothing has caused me to write about this topic, it does have me wondering if I’m doing the best job of teaching and raising them as I possibly can. 

I’m don’t have a manual for what to do, so I try to give an equal balance of things that I think are important for them and their growth.

Ironically, I believe I have a good grasp around the financial teaching… it’s the other stuff I’m worried about!  This seems to be opposite to the general population.