Road Rage, Realize The Enemy Could Be You!

Road Rage! now they have a smart phone application out for it…  but the problems is that to use the app, you have to type the license of the offending driver into the smart phone (not an easy task even when you are not driving!).  So if you take the risk of typing a “hard to type” license plate, aren’t you basically being an irresponsible driver too?  So wouldn’t that make you a hypocrite?

I have a friend that once he finds out about this smart phone app, I’m sure he’s going to purchase it, but should he?

Whenever my friend drives, he looks for things to complain about on the road…  He’ll say “That lady is going to slow (usually by 3 mph) in the slow lane, so he’ll speed up like a maniac till he’s almost hitting her back-end, then he’ll swerve into the other lane, floor it, and then cut in front of her by the thinnest of margins.  I’m sure the target of his anger has to put on their brakes commonly out of fear.  This trend happens every time…

My friend has an economic 4 cylinder small car (kudos to him for being green!) and it’s a bit nerve-racking to be a passenger when he swerves in from of a semi-truck with a trailer!  But that’s exactly what he does!  Nobody likes to have him drive when we all go to lunch!

So my friend calls almost everybody else an A-hole on the roads, but in reality, he’s the worse offender of all on the pavement!

Oh sure, he gets mad and I suggest that it wouldn’t bother me and I repeat that everybody is like that or that’s probably happened because that person is so young…  But these comments I make just slip off of him like burnt eggs in a teflon pan…

So I ask, no I beg everyone, when you are on the road please don’t get unreasonably angry!  It doesn’t do any good, and the person that you are directing your anger at isn’t going to change!

Do you have friends like mine, or is he just an extreme case?


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