Thoughts on Mastering Time

Time use to be something that I never thought I needed to master…

Mastering Time

Time by ToniVC

When Time Could Be Wasted

As a kid, time would just be rolling along, as I would read my comic books, or watch the 2nd or 3rd rerun of some no-value TV show, perhaps Seinfeld?  I use to let Time just tick away as I hoped the my money in investments would benefit from the near-magic effect of compound interest.

I would often naively try to kill time by playing video games both at my house and playing with, and against my friends.  The weekend would come, and I remember sleeping in until almost lunch sometimes, sleeping my way through three or four extra hours, just wasting time (jumped out to check the stock market results from yesterday, DOW is up 272, WOW!).

Yep, back then, time was a thing that took too long, and something that I wanted to slip by so I could drive, drink alcohol, vote, or forget about bad relationships of the past.

Now Time Needs To Be Controlled

This summer, while I accomplished many things that I wanted to fix or do, most of my “to-do” list didn’t get done.  Oh, I get the high priority tasks done (like fix the car so it runs), but some of the small cosmetic tasks had to get benched in my life.  I’ll probably be the crazy guy out in November mulching around my house.  (I just jumped out of this blog post to check my fantasy football score from this past weekend, I won, yay).

So why has time become a wild stallion in my life that I’m now trying to tame? 

As time passes, things and responsibility quietly accumulate (I heard a sounds in my son’s room, I investigate, but it was nothing) and start to steal some of your precious time.  Raising kids the best that you can take time, maintaining your house, reading the “Accept this terms” and other legal document reading requirements, maintaining friendships, and keeping hobbies , all require time (our dog heard me and is whimpering, so off I go downstairs to let her out).  Kids require a lot of time, but they are worth it.  I took my daughter to piano lessons yesterday, making sure that I took a book while I waited in the waiting area.

How To Mastering Time

For reasons above, I’ve decided to try to get a grip around time and to master it.  Below are some of the things I do to maximize both my life and time.

  • During commute work time, I either 1.) Listen to audio books, 2.) Think about blog topics or 3.) Try to develop a task list for things to be accomplished during the day.
  • As I mentioned above, (just let the dog back in), I like to take things to do during waiting time such as doctor office visits or taking the kids to practice and other such time sucking requirements in life.
  • When mowing or doing other low thought chores, I like to think.  It’s a good way to come up with new ideas for hobbies (in my case it’s blogging).
  • Pass-by tasking.  As we get ready to go somewhere and I need to wait on one of my kids to get their shoes, cloths, etc on, I’ll take out the trash or do some other quick non-important task.
  • Lunch is no longer just about eating as I focus on things going on like blogging, or my fantasy football lineup, or reading programming and finances.  A close-by library has made this possible.  (My alarm clock just went off, I wonder why I even set it anymore…  I never sleep…)

These are the new ways that I’ve learned to both master and juggle time.

Readers, do you have any tricks for making the most of time, in situations where time would seem to be wasted?



Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony and Time

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts

We all went to my daughter’s “Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony” last night, but of all the people there, there were only 4 males (including my son and I).

We got there are 6:00pm but the actual Bridging Ceremony would begin until 8:00pm.  I feel pretty comfortable around people anymore but after 15 minutes, my son and I decided to leave the group and walk around a pond that was close by.  To stay with the Girl Scout group felt like we were intruding. 

As we were walking around the nearby pond, we could hear the laughing floating across the pond along with the songs they were singing.  I’m glad my daughter was having a great time!

After our walk, my son and I played around a bit, but started to get bored.  That’s when I remembered my time saving book that I left in the car for such situations.  I was able to finish a entire chapter before the ceremony stated while my son played games on my blackberry.

Once the ceremony started, other males started to arrive for the celebration too.  I enjoyed the event, watching my daughter laugh, giggle, jump around and run around with her friends.  That said I have to admit I enjoyed finishing that chapter in my most recent book too.  It made the wait that much more enjoyable, plus I was out of sight of the pre-ceremony activities. 

All in all, the event was a good one, and my daughter seemed pretty happy!
