Sometimes It Takes More Than One To Believe

I’m watching the movie *Cyrus as I type this post, and there is this scene where the main character is at a party (he’s a bit tipsy), and he starts singing a song that’s on the radio.  He jumping and dancing with enthusiasm and vigor, singing the song and displaying an almost teenage level of energy. 

He tries to get others involved, but they just look at him like he’s crazy…  He starts to get quieter and depressed, but then Marisa Tomei decides to dance and sing with him too.  At that point the main character gets twice the energy, and recruits others to join in the fun too.  After another few minutes, everybody in the house is dancing!

The movie Elf has a similar moment, where Zooey Deschanel provides a turning point in the movie.

So is this yet another movie fairytale that some writers concocted that isn’t very realistic?

Surprisingly no, if you have the support of a spouse, good friend(s) or even the support of a group you can do incredible things!

The most memorable moment for me was when I was in my first and only tae kwon do tournament.  I was down by two point and seemed destined to lose the final match of the tournament, then all my dojo practitioners came over and started cheering me on.  Like the typical fairytale, that cheering gave me the extra rush of adrenaline that I needed to catch up and beat my opponent.  This enabled me to win my division and take home a huge trophy.

Another example is this link to an awesome video of Elizabeth Hughes singing the National Anthem singing when her mic goes out.  She was singing spectacularly, and the crowd couldn’t let it end that way, so everybody started singing to support her and finish the song!  It was a powerful experience just watching the video, and I’m sure it was even more powerful being there.

Sometimes to accomplish great things, you may need the support of others, whether it’s friends, girlfriends/boyfriends, spouses or just someone to believe in you and your ideas..


*The movie Cyrus was just okay, but I did like the particular scene above…