The Very Wealthy Do Not Know How Much Wealth They Have

I remember reading an article on Donald Trump many year ago when he claimed that he wasn’t absolutely sure what his net worth was!

At the time, I thought “The Donald” was trying to avoid stating his true value because he wasn’t worth as much as he claimed, but now I’ve changed my mind.

For us average Americans, it’s easy to calculate our wealth level since most of us have just a few saving/investing accounts and a lot of debt.  Debt in the form of credit card debt, car loans, and mortgages.  So to calculate our net worth is fairly simple because of the simple assets and liabilities that we have.  But if we had multiple companies and partnerships along with many different types of investments in diverse assets, well the calculation of wealth would apparently be a much more daunting task.

I have some friends that are what I consider wealthy (having a few million dollars in net worth), but they have a pretty good idea of what they are worth.  So having a few million is definitely not the “Very Wealthy“!  Recently, Mitt Romney stated that he wasn’t sure of how much he made last year, let alone his calculated wealth.  He wasn’t totally avoiding the issue, I believe that he really didn’t know at the time.  Obviously, he is really wealthy…

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Even famous personal finance authors don’t really know their true net worth.  Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki has states that he didn’t know how much he was worth in interviews also.  If a financial author doesn’t know how much he is worth, I’m sure the rest of the wealthy don’t either.

This leads me to wonder what that magical threshold is where a person has a difficult time determining their net worth?  Just a wild guess I would venture perhaps somewhere over the twenty million mark.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be so wealthy that having a “number” didn’t really matter?

What do you think would be the number where you no long would even really care to know how wealthy you are?