3 Videos On Investing, Including Warren Buffett’s Technique

I decided to include these great videos on how the stock market works or how investors trade on the market.

I came across this incredible entertaining, but old video on how the stock market works.  It’s a cartoon, but has a fun, warm feeling to it.  It’s from the 1960s, and it’s very interesting to see how it was back then versus today.  I think you’ll enjoy it, check it out:

Now as a contrast, consider the flow of this next video where a day trader has a good trading day. It’s amazing how fast the market moves now, what would have taken hours and perhaps days in the 60s is now performed almost instantly.  That’s the power of technology used to make a liquid market!

And finally a video on the most successful investor of the present times, Warren Buffett!  I think as you watch this, you’ll realize that liquidity, while important to Buffett, doesn’t really have a bearing on when he buys or sells.

Surprisingly, Mr Buffett seem more in line with the 60s video than that of the tech savvy day trader video!

Actually, it’s not that surprising since Warren Buffett doesn’t even use a computer to make trades.  From what I read, Warren uses his computer mainly to play an online bridge card game.

In conclusion, I think for the best financial advice it probably would be best to find a few investing sources and experiment with them until you find one that works best for you.

I hope you enjoyed the three different but all interesting videos!  I know I did!


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