Blending Work And Pleasure

Right now I’m blending work and pleasure by writing this article, and at the same time watching a movie that my wife wanted to watch called “Dorian Grey“. 

The movie “Dorian Gray” is from Oscar Wilde’s only novel called “The Picture of Dorian Gray“. 

I thought this quote from the book by Oscar Wilde was worth repeating:

“Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one’s mistakes”

While this is not the topic of my article, it was such a profound quote that I had to include it.  This may be true within limits, but taken to extremes I would think not…

Okay, back to the topic of my article.

As we become better and better at our jobs and the tasks that we do, it becomes easier to multitask and blend both work and pleasure, enabling us to enjoy both.  Some day, I would really like to have work that I enjoy so much that I can no longer tell the difference between work and entertainment. 

Impossible?  Not so, people like Warren Buffett and even the Financial Samurai say that they can’t wait to get up early so they can get to work in the morning.

So am I going on a wild goose chase?  Does such a job nirvana really exist?  I wonder if I’ll ever know before it’s time to retire…


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