What I Have Learned To Date From Blogging!

First, I’ve learned that blogging isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Yeah, I could blog about my driving home or having lunch at this and that restaurant. I could blog like blogging was traditionally… an online diary. But instead, I decided to follow my passion for personal finance and blog about that topic


Well for one, I find that personal finance blogs are interesting, and I wanted to create such a creation. It’s not being a book author, but kind of close, and I think that that in itself is pretty cool.

Blogging and reading fellow pf blogger’s sites helps me to keep my focus on my own personal finance strategy.

The world is expanding for me. I joined a few clubs, but it’s the Yakezie Challenge that has really been mind blowing. The group includes some incredible talented pf bloggers out there! Both the old stalwarts and the saplings, have some incredible content!

International Blogs, I read blogs such as the monevator.com and www.canadianfinanceblog.com both site offer a unique insites of their country from their eyes. It’s very cool to be learning about each of their countries.

Secondly, I’ve learned that there are more than one way to get to a solution.  It’s kind of like mixing colors to create the color green.  So while I may have slowly added all colors in perfect proportions, another blogger may choose to add 1 of the colors more quickly and in more quantity, then later get the proportions correct to make the same color green.  And then you have other bloggers that choose to go with a different shade of green altogether.

Part of blogging is self discovery, I’ve learned a lot about how I think, what I believe in and the end goals that I want to accomplish.

Blogging is also providing me a rought draft for how to get there.

Thanks for the great ride,

MR – Don

16 thoughts on “What I Have Learned To Date From Blogging!

  1. Hi MR – Don.

    I completely agree with you that blogging is challenging and not just the online diary one can create. Especially with a mixture of dedicated readers visiting on a daily basis, we want to keep it as interesting and unique as possible.

    Really like how you illustrate this with the mixing of colors metaphore.

    .-= moneyhoneysf´s last blog ..February 2010 Net Worth Update =-.

  2. Blogging has definitely helped me see issues from a different perspective and it also helped me notice trends in my behavior as well as with people I interact with since I analyze them more now that I am writing my PF actions down.

  3. Hi MoneyHoneysf (I love that name!)

    The picture isn’t of me, I was trying to find one of a blacksmith forging a sword, and this was as close as I could find…

    This post was just what was on my mind at 1:30 am or 2:00 am, I sincerely thought about not posting it because it was so late, but…

    I’m sure someday, I’ll post about not getting enough sleep 🙂

  4. @SeeJaneGetRich
    One of the most obvious thing I’ve noticed about my persona is more confidence and a general broadening in and of my speaking ability.

    In tech services, speaking isn’t such a priority, so blogging provides and excellent outlet!

  5. Keep plugging along, I just started my blog also and have a feeling that you just need to stick at it a long time for it to be successful. Even if it doesn’t take off, you can always look at all the personal growth you have experienced in finance, writing and self discovery.

    Keep it up! If we all help each other out, we will all be successful in our own ways. I would love to see you all over at http://www.bibledebt.com someday soon as well!

  6. @BibleDebt
    Thanks for stopping by! I’m actually having a ball blogging, it’s a lot of fun…

    I do it for fun…

  7. Wow, really please to see Monevator getting a mention (though the link isn’t clickable — greedy aren’t I? 😉 )

    I think it’s great that you’re looking for benefits from blogging that aren’t related to audience/income at this stage.

    Just getting your thoughts together and discovering you have a coherent voice can be incredibly empowering, I’ve found!
    .-= Monevator´s last blog ..US historical asset class returns =-.

  8. It’s interesting to see how people channel their voice through blogging. You’ve been doing very well and we all can see the fruits of your hard work.

    I totally agree with you about the self discovery part. Sometimes during the journey you change course and it’s interesting how change can be achieved through writing.

    I definitely find the best part of blog writing is to get my voice out. I’ve always been shy and afraid that people would think my opinion is useless, silly, etc. But blogging has “forced” me to get it out and guess what, I’m still alive 😀

    Viva la blogging!
    .-= Bytta@151DaysOff´s last blog ..Day 22: Where Do You Draw Inspiration? =-.

  9. @Movevator
    Well, I can fix that link problem, right quick 🙂
    I started blogging and my perception of the activity was one way, but now it’s totally different. I’m starting to wonder if I’ll every get into a rythm with it. For example, I post this article at 2:00am-ish (that was crazy because I had to get up for work at 5:00am).

    I’m learning 🙂

  10. @Bytta@151DaysOff
    Well put! That an excellent analysis of the same way I feel. The social activity has been a big bonus for me. I think I actually enjoy the commenting part as much as creating the articles. 🙂

  11. Good stuff Don! New perspectives is EXACTLY why blogging and creating The Yakezie is so much fun! I touch upon this topic a little in my interview at Consumerism Commentary, not sure if you got to hear it.

    I find that we tend to think our way is usually the right way. Just human nature. What we fail to realize are the incredible amount of things we’ve NEVER ever thought of before. It’s wonderful to stumble upon new perspectives.

    Cheers, Sam
    .-= Financial Samurai´s last blog ..The Best Financial Advice I’ve Ever Heard From A Comedian =-.

  12. @Financial Samurai

    I did hear your interview at Consumerism Commentary, now I have a voice to associate with the postings at the financialsamurai!

    It’s amazing, I keep thinking I’ve travelled far enough, but then I look around and see a level I need to climb to see even more. But the difference with the Yakezie group is I’m not alone. Other are there encouraging me to climb up with them! It’s a great motivating group!

  13. Nice piece…Been thinking about this as well as I’m planning a 3-month performance review of myself (be on the lookout in the next week or so).

    The multitude of personalities, the open exchange of ideas, and of course, spreading the good karma.

    Keep up the great work.
    .-= FinEngr´s last blog ..The Best Defense is a Calculated Defense =-.

  14. @FinEngr
    I was kind of rushed with this piece. But most of it rings true.

    I’ll be looking forwards to your piece in the near future 🙂

    Thanks, you too!

  15. Great read! Always good to hear another perspective. Reading others writings gives me new ideas.

  16. Pingback: MoneyReasons Weekly Cache 2010, Mar 13 | Money Reasons

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