A Quick Take on The 1st Financial Blogger Conference

financial blogger conference

financial blogger conference

Since I came late to the Financial Blogger Conference, I ended up starting my first day at the conference by going to the refreshments area and having a few drinks with fellow bloggers.

Basic Observations:

At first I wondered if it the entire trip would be worth it, but right after getting there and meeting all of the bloggers I read

daily and seeing some of the largest pf blogs on the internet, I knew right then and there that the price of the ticket was worth it!

Thinking outside of the basic cost/benefit equation, there is value in knowing that I attended the first really large financial blogger conference meeting!  That in itself adds some additional privilege value.  Tomorrow, I will have to take some more pictures to remember the trip.

Another hidden value is that actually get to stand in front of some of the biggest bloggers in the industry and experience the various nuances of their personality and mannerism that come out.  There is something about seeing a person in real life that a camera picture just can’t portray.


J. D. Roth was giving the opening speech when he took out a little red notebook from his back pocket.  He then goes on to explain that he is constantly writing ideas down to use in his blog.  I was mostly impressed by the incredible small notebook.

I discovered that Ramit Sethi hates me and a lot of people who isn’t his market segment.  He also doesn’t want me to visit his blog, and I also learned that’s he a pretty guy and probably his some great information on his blog.

How difference the physical appearance of everybody looks!  Almost everybody looks better than I imagined!

Ryan from Cash Money Life, had a great presentation on how to optimize your blog engine that was awesome, and that I will use in the near future.

There are so many great blogger here, and all of the ones that I met have been very nice and intelligent.  I can honestly say that I’m both proud to be part of pf group, and humbled by the sheer talent at the conference.

Wish everybody could experience this piece of pf blogger nirvana!


21 thoughts on “A Quick Take on The 1st Financial Blogger Conference

  1. I’m jealous that I wasn’t able to attend, but I plan on attending next year! I can’t wait to hear more about the conference (assuming you will post again on it).

    • I really went back and forth whether I should go or not. I had miss a few opportunities (last game for my daughter, and 2nd last soccer game for my son).

        • Wow, that’s right around the corner! I thought you were thinking next year…

          Second week in December is around my daughter’s birthday. That and Christmas makes it hard for me to go this year.

          Next year I might be able to save up enough.

    • Me too! The cost was steep since I was going to miss my kid’s soccer games (my daughter’s last). But luckily for me they were canceled because of rain.

      It would have been great to meet you out there! Are you consider going next year?

  2. It was great to finally meet you in person!

    Ramit hates me too since I am not a young dude. Oh well.

    It was a great weekend, but I need to rest now!

    • I agree! I was really looking forwards to meeting you too!!!

      Even though Ramit hates me, I was impressed by him. I think this presentation is one path that would work for a certain people. Probably not me, but definitely a certain segment.

  3. This is awesome– sounds like this was a dynamic and inspiring event, judging by the comments here… and Chicago is one of my favorite places:)

    Hope it was a big enough success that it will become an annual event!

    • I only look a few photos (my bad). I wish I had a lot more of them…

      There were so many great people there I kind of went around in a daze trying to figure our if I knew this person or that. The speeches are fabulous!

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