How I Saved a Customer at McDonalds Up to $5,000

On my way to the 1st financial blogger’s conference, I decided to save some time and drive through the McDonalds drive-thru to pick up a quick meal.

While pulling into the parking lot, I noticed a white box commercial truck snaking around the McDonald’s yellow bar that tells drivers that they can’t drive through the drive thru if there vehicle is higher than so feet (usually around 9).  I found this maneuver to be very strange.  I chalked it up to that fact that the driver was going to not go under the roof and yell her order and pick it up by getting out of the fairly large box truck.

Well….  Apparently the driver forgot or wasn’t the swiftest driver in the McDonalds drive-thru as she drove the box truck up to “Pay Here” windows.  Sure enough a nasty screeching sound happened and the truck got stuck underneath the roof.

I had my windows down since I had just ordered when I heard the cashier say to the driver to back it up.  I thought no, no, no!  Driving it back would rip that part of the siding off since it was sticking, and possible cause damage to the roof!  As the driver started to do that I decided to take action (I was hungry, lol!).

You see, I had an idea!  My idea was that If I were to get a few people on the back bummer, the extra weight would make the shocks go down and the driver would be able to drive forward (or backwards for that matter), without causing any extensive damage to the roof.  I got up on the bummer, and sure enough the truck’s back-end did move down slightly, but not quite enough.

At this point, something special happened!  The driver in the car immediately behind the truck got out and told me what a great idea I had and climbed up.  Then a tall (and a bit heavy) girl (16 or 17) who was coming out of the McDonald’s building and saw what we were doing and asked if we needed help (which we obviously did and gladly took her offer)!

With the three of us on the truck, the truck shocks sunk and instantly the truck lurched forwards!  Unfortunately, the driver was at the back of the truck with us, so the truck was moving without a driver.   Once I realized what was happening, I said “Ummm, the driver is back here, we should jump off now!”  All three of us jumped off, luckily the driver was able to get in at the last moment and stop the truck before it hit other cars.

I was very surprised afterward when even though I stepped up and becoming the problem solver, I wasn’t thanked by neither the McDonald’s cashier nor the driver of the box truck thanked me!

What really impressed me during the entire issue, was that both the lady and the girl complimented me on a such a great idea.  I was especially impressed by the girl!  She was young so I was surprised that she volunteered to help instead of just laughing at the truck driver’s problem and looking away.

It was rewarding enough knowing I did a good deed!


27 thoughts on “How I Saved a Customer at McDonalds Up to $5,000

  1. A nice story, MR, and one to remember next time we read something about the cynicism and selfishness in modern life. Neighbors helping neighbors…

    • I was glad to help! I’m not entirely sure who would pick up the cost of the potential damage, but to avoid it all together was great!

      I think if the owner of the McDonalds were there, he would have thanked me (at least I would hope). The driver was a twit…

  2. You were quick on your feet, and you did a great deed. I don’t know that I would have been so creative.

    As a side note, I think they should build those spring-loaded. Then, if someone gets stuck, they can push a button and the top can go up a foot or so (since these poles are usually used as a warning so drivers don’t go slamming into the building that is up ahead).

    • Hey, that’s actually a great idea! My big question is why can’t they create something for airplanes to eject the passengers somehow before the plane crashes? I know costs are prohibitive, but I might pay extra for that feature, and if not me, then somebody would…

      Perhaps Buffett should give his money way for this cause, it would save lives…

    • I literally felt like I as in some comedy skit (three stooges style). Not necessarily us (the three on the truck), but more so the driver…

  3. Thats a really neat idea! Im sure another thing that could ahve been done would have been to let out some air in the tires, but then again theyd have to pump them up right after, so overall, good tip.. like it – will be sure to use next time I go visiting mcdonalds (any excuse is good right???)

    • Yeah, it would have been a great feeling, but once I got to the financial blogger conference, I almost forgot about it! funny huh.

  4. Usually they hang a swing metal bar that wars drivers of the height requirements at the entrance of the drive thru before they even get to the cash window.

    There was a great video on True Tv a while back where a truck pulling a trailer pulled down the entire roof of a bank when it tried to get thru to the drive thru ATM.

    Good job MR you prolly saved the driver way more than just 5k if she had decided to step on the gas

    • Yeah, it’s was funny, I got a good laugh before I got out to help.

      I was glad the solution was easy, another solution as mentioned by others, was to let the air out of the tires.

  5. MR it was soooooooooo nice to meet you. I genuinely mean that. You’re an even sweeter guy in person than you are online. And don’t worry, we know that you’re Superman hiding as Clark Kent.

    • Thanks,

      I was actually sad to leave the conference! I would have loved to hang out and talk with you more! I’m now officially a much bigger fan (I was a fan before too) of whatever you do!

      I was really happy with the experience all the way around.

      I’m looking forward to next year’s conference now 🙂

    • My car pump broke on my car on the freeway and I forgot my cell phone that day. So I was 3 miles from work and started hoofing it, when about 100 yards from my car, someone stopped and drove me to work!

      Not everybody is a bad guy as the media would leave you to believe.

      Great meeting you in person Barb 🙂

  6. Your name isn’t Buck Inspire is it? That good samaratin feeling is priceless. Although no one like you in that position needs a thank you to feel any better, it would always be welcome.

    Great meeting you at FINCON MR. It has given me an entirely new perspective on your blog.

    • You’re right! I did feel good, just because I know what was prevented!

      It was great meeting you too! Meeting face to face makes a big difference! The cost of the event was well worth it just to meet everybody!

  7. MR to the rescue! Awesome story. We may have to form a Yakezie League of Superheroes. Shocked that no one thanked you, but that’s not why we help citizens in need, right? Up, up, and away!

  8. Great job. I was wondering how the $5000 and McDonald’s fit in from the title so just had to read. Sounds like your assessment of the truck driver is spot on.

  9. Thats a really good idea! Moneyreasons you have saved the driver lot of money! Im sure another thing that could have been done would have been to let out some air in the tires, but then again they’d have to pump them up right after. Thanks for the good tip.

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