MR Review 2011, Jan 16 – Overwhelmed


It seems like in the process of re-inventing myself, I’m constantly running ragged.  Everything is new, both in a good and bad ways.  A big accomplishment is I got my haircut!  After my barber died, I created a mental block where I just kept pushing off the task until later and later.

Working out has already had benefit in my health.  My strength has come back quickly and I feel a bit better already.  I still need to start my new diet though.

Overall, I’m a bit overwhelmed but also excited…


My Favorite Reads of the Week:

101 Centavos:  HSE: Health, Safety and Environmental – Safe Work Practices in The Home  – Info on proper safety practices, and really cool pictures of ingenious workers from poorer countries and their methods to be safe on the job.

My Journey To Millions:  What Does it Mean When an ETF Jumps the Track – The Fonz would be proud if you check this article out!  I know I learn what “Jumps the Track” means, not to mention “Jumping the Shark”…

Budgeting In The Fun Stuff: The Best Financial Advice I Ever Received  – Sounds like BIFS’s dad knows what he is talking about!!!  I wish my family had given the same advice to me!  Luckily, I didn’t want to pass up that free money so I started out jumping into my company 401k’s plan too!

Everyday Tips and Thoughts:  The Snowball of Savings and Health Benefits From Eliminating Pop/Soda – Kris is giving up pop/soda entirely!  I’ve don’t drink pop at work anymore, but I still drink diet pop on the weekends.  So kudos to Kris for cutting the sugar juice out entirely.

First Gen American:  6 Month Blogaversery – Congratulations to Sandy on her 1st 6 months of blogging!!!  She has a truly wonderful site!

Momvesting:  True Savings – I agree with Jessica, why buy stuff just because it’s on sale!  If you’ve never thought about buy something at normal prices, why buy it now?

Financial Samurai:  Should I Have Closed My Credit Cards? – Sam brings out concerns to closing out a credit card account.

Watson Inc.:  The Fall Of The American Democracy! – Shawn point out a great reason why I promote asset diversification, possible buying precious metals in my post: “Does Money Have Value?“.  Maybe even buy some foreign currency…  It couldn’t hurt to have diversified assets.  Check out Shawn’s article, he brings up some great points!

Hope everbody has had a great 1st two weeks of the year, other than the flat I got yesterday…  It’s been a good start.


13 thoughts on “MR Review 2011, Jan 16 – Overwhelmed

  1. Aw Shucks. thanks for the compliment. I’m blushing.

    I’ve been working out too thanks to my back giving out. I’m feeling slightly better but not good yet. Going to go snowshoe on the lake today with my kids. My son wants to see the icefisherman.

  2. Thanks so much for highlighting my post on the Fall of the American Democracy and for elevating the discussion by pointing out how it could connect to a global portfolio.

    Working out does have tremendous benefits that go well beyond the numbers on the scale or the way the clothes fit. Cheers

    • That was an very scary but needed to be heard article that you wrote! Thanks for writing such an interesting piece!

    • I have friends that don’t do as you suggest. It’s always funny seeing them waste their money on things because they are on sale… only never to use the thing that they bought.

    • I can’t wait to use the phrase “Jumping the shark” at work. It should make for some interesting conversation.

    • lol, I don’t want to be underwhelmed either 🙂

      I would like to hit that perfect balance between the two extremes.. we’ll call it perfectwhelmed or middlewhelmed, lol

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