Pride In Your Work

There is a certain beauty in having pride in your work, and having the ability to see it through, even when things go badly.

My brother-in-lawand his wife recently had a baby, and we were going to go see them, but the hospital had a rule about kids under 11 not allowed in to see the baby.

So I stayed home and watched the kids while my wife went.  When she got back, I expected to hear a story about how cute the baby was, but instead she told me how impressed she was with the security guard.

Apparently, he was friendly towards people who were asking him questions, and instead of being stoic and reserved, he was open and helpful… even though directing people wasn’t part of his job.  My wife said he helped her by explaining where to find the room she was looking for and was all around courteous.

I bring this to light because lately I’ve become a fan of people who do their job very well.  In the security guard’s case, he was helping people in ways that wasn’t even really his job!

I would even go so far as to say that there is something to be admired when a person that is doing a simple or unglamorous job extremely well!  I know a girl (literally a girl), that works at an taco bell drive thru that shows these characteristics.  Whenever you drive through, her entire face lights up and she become such a positive force, you can’t really leave not feeling better about the entire day.  Most teenagers cope an attitude and are stoic if not rude, so seeing such a person as the Taco Bell girl is like find a $100 bill in the parking lot.

People like the 2 examples above are amazing!

The attached video is another great example of a small girl doing her job/task extremely well.  The girl singing does such a great job singing the national anthem, that even though the speaker system give out, she continues.  Amazingly, people join in on the song to complete it!  I think they join in to support the girl because she was doing such an amazing job that it touched them!

Ironically, after the speaker system goes out 1 person does laugh at first, so maybe the others people singing tried to counteract the one rude persons laugh.  It’s amazing how some people when in the presence of beauty, only find defects to point out…  I feel sad for them…


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24 thoughts on “Pride In Your Work

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Pride In Your Work | Money Reasons --

  2. One thing I like about living in this part of the country is precisely that so many people take pride in their work. The mechanic, the plumber, the mail carriers… everybody that we interact with is trying to do the best that they can. They’re always eager to explain things to us. It isn’t just about money, though the good folks certainly are able to charge the most because everybody in town uses them.

    • Everybody should have a level of pride in their work. It’s good to hear that your area has such pride.

      Where I live, you have a mix! Practically everybody is friendly, but that doesn’t mean that they do their best work unfortunately. Luckily, through friends and other means, you learn to find the best of the bunch…

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  4. I think you touched upon something that often gets overlooked; taking pride in something. I’ve also encountered people who do their job well and it does make the day seem brighter some how.

    • I think why not to the task the best that you can. You have to do it either way, so if you can do it well and with some friendly focused effort, all the better 🙂

  5. It is always inspirational to watch someone who takes tremendous pride in their work. — especially when it is less than glamorous. That shows a great and admirable strength in their character.

    Great post!

    All the best,

    Len Penzo dot Com

    • Thanks!

      I wish more people were like the ones in my post! I know when I go through Drive-Thrus, some of them act like they are going you a big favor… while others focus on customer service and make you want to come back.

      My mechanic is the same way, he’s truly a great guy so I send him as much work as possible.

  6. Pingback: Black Coffee: How iTunes Changed Our Music Shopping Habits « Len Penzo dot Com

  7. the team of maids that come to my house came to mind when i read this. wow are they dedicated. my wife was helping one of them tuck in the bed sheets and fix the frills, and instead of thinking that we were piling more work on them, they appreciated that we took time to show them the right way of doing it. as a result, one maid told us “thank you, now i know the right way and this will help me do a better job at my other clients”. i paid them more during this visit just because those words resonated so much so well….

    • Sounds like you have some pretty smart maids!

      When a person can stay open to something new and actually advance from it, that’s great! Kudos to them and your wife.

  8. I think this is another downside to this sense of entitlement that a lot of America has. Rather than embrace a job and make the most of it, people feel it’s beneath them to work hard and be proud of it.

    I’m so glad you encountered two of these people. You should write a letter to their bosses.

    • I think TV always puts down such jobs that are high paying. Then makes kids think that the owners of such companies are luck to have them… Sad huh…

      With the Taco Bell worker, I was tempted to give her a tip at Christmas. It didn’t feel right though (kind of creepy), so I didn’t.

      Perhaps next year if she’s still there (I doubt it), I’ll tip her via a christmas gift envelope thanking her for the great job that she does and then puting some money in it (think $20 would be enough? I don’t think I can afford more than that). It would be sooo much easier if I were an older lady giving the card…

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  10. Whatever our work is, it is something that we must take pride of. People who love their jobs are really being proud of them (jobs). After all, our job is there all the way, so we must love it and take pride to having been employed.

  11. Pride in one’s work is a good thing to have. Even if you’re not completely happy with the company you work for and the work that you do, there is still a good feeling in a good day’s work done.

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