Social Freedom, I Am No Longer Bound By Social Norms

Thanks to Blogging, I’ve changed the way I handle myself in public places!

In the past I would never be caught dead at a public restaurant alone, and on those few occasions while traveling for business, I dreaded going to a decent restaurant, opting instead for the quick drive thru option instead.  But this is no longer the case!

Since I’ve been pushing myself by blogging in local coffee shops, I’ve found that not only do I endure going to restaurants alone, but that I’m much more effective at the work that I’m trying to accomplish!  This is in great contrast to when I first started going to restaurant to do blogging work!

Now when I find that I’m stumped or just not motivated enough at home, I pack up my laptop and head to the local coffee shop!  Once there, I’m in an entirely different mode and anything is possible!

I’m writing this because how would have guessed?  Certainly not me, in fact I would probably tell you that it is a suboptimal idea, at best!  But though my own experimentation (I love to do that stuff), I’ve change my mind and I now believe that such an environment is a much more conducive place to do work.  Perhaps it’s because you feel like someone is watching you, or that you can’t doze off while relaxing at home on the couch… whatever it the reason is, it’s a very strong one!

Just thought I’d share,



18 thoughts on “Social Freedom, I Am No Longer Bound By Social Norms

  1. Yay for having more confidence! I’ve been eating alone and even going to movies solo since high school. Sometimes it is just nice to go out with the one person who won’t bitch about your choice…you. 🙂

  2. I just wrote about this exact topic this week..on being okay doing things alone. I travel a lot and instead of sitting in my hotel room, I’ll go out to movies or go for a hike or do whatever. I even went to a rock climbing gym and made friends there..with rock climbing you need another person and surprisingly there were always folks who were willing to belay me. I think it’s great that you are branching out.

    • What a great way to make new friends! All kinds of experiences open up when we go outside of what we consider socially acceptable bounds!

      Sometimes it only makes sense, especially when you have to travel a lot for work! Nice job! 🙂

  3. Glad this has opened up some opportunities for you – or maybe better put, brought down barriers. There are many people who are very self-conscious about dining alone, or going to a coffee shop alone.

    I guess I’ve never had that problem, as I’ve been able to do that for years. It’s a good way to get things done with less distraction!

    • Just these past few years I’ve started experimenting with going outside of my social comfort zone! And so far it’s been a positive experience and even has changed me a bit!

  4. I often just go down to the local Starbucks with my laptop and blog away. It beats sitting in my house and I will quite often drink 2 or 3 coffees while I am there.

    I don’t do this everyday as it would cost too much.

    There are als loads of other people in there on there own and I don’t think there is anything strange with it.

    A few of my friends think I am a little weird for doing it but I honestly don’t care. Its all about a change of scenery 🙂

  5. I agree that coffee shops are a great place to get some work done. It’s actually somewhat inspiring to change writing locations from time to time.

    • Yeah, who would have guessed! At first it wasn’t that way for me, but now I get a lot done there surprisingly!

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