With Blogging – It is Okay To Pause to Reflect?

I’ll be honest, my mood has prevented me from blogging as much as I would like to lately!

Perhaps it’s because I know that summer is coming to a close and winter is right around the corner.

Maybe it’s because I didn’t get near enough done this summer season as I hoped to accomplish and I’m slightly depressed?

It could be that I’m not happy with my day job and I need time to think about what and where I want to go from here?

It could be a multitude of reasons, but the fact remains that my blogging activities are starting to wane a bit.  I’m hoping it’s a short phase and I’ll be back up to snuff soon!  Actually, I think once fall and winter seasons hit (at least for those of us that live in the northern part of the country), my blogging activity should pick up again.

During this time I have been thinking a lot about my blogging activities and how I have morphed quite a bit from where I started.  I wonder if Big G’s spiders will still look at me the same way?  That remains to be seen.

During this time of blog inactivity and reflection, I’m starting to think outside of the blogging box, and I’m tapping more into my programming roots.  Perhaps from these ashes of inactivity, I’ll morph my site into something that has more meaning and utility to both myself and the blogosphere in general?  We’ll see.

I hope everybody had a great summer, because if feels like it’s winding to a close!  Take advantage of what little is left of it!!!

Thanks for reading my rambling and meandering thoughts!


18 thoughts on “With Blogging – It is Okay To Pause to Reflect?

    • Me too. I do enjoy writing, but my style has been stale lately. Perhaps after Fincon12, I’ll be fired up again?

    • I’m not entirely sure, but I’m guessing I’m just a little burned out, or rather topic-ed out, lol.

      Hopefully in fall I’ll be re-energized!

      See you at Fincon! Definately at the Yakezie Meetup!

    • lol, I just read your comment and I think I used similar words above on the previous two comments that I responded too. We have a very similar word vernacular!

      Thanks though, I hope you are right… Blogging has been such a broadening experience for me and I’d had to keep shrinking away from it…

  1. I think taking a break is perfectly acceptable. I know that during the summer I spend lots of time with my wife and girls, and so blogging can take a backseat sometimes. And I think that’s completely healthy — our emotional/personal health is more important than our blog health!

  2. Hey, no problem. You’ll be back in full swing of things before long.
    I took a break during the summer. Even though there’s lots of topic ideas stored up in the iPad, even now I’m taking it slower, focusing more on quality rather than quantity. Lots more going on at work and with other projects.

  3. Yeah its very good to take a pause and reflect every once in a while. that way you get to think what you have been doing much, and have been missing. This is also the time where you get to credit yourself and realize that you have have done good and tap yourself and say “Good job”.

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